
Showing posts from December, 2020

Grand Teton National Park- RV During COVID

This. This was what our trip was about. I've been so lucky to get out to Yellowstone numerous times in my life in summer, winter and spring and the Tetons were always added on as an afterthought. But the Tetons. The Tetons deserve their own time and that's what we set out to do in 2020. This year we spent just two days near Yellowstone then we headed for 5 glorious nights in Grand Teton National Park. It was perfect for any year and absolutely perfect for COVID. Our focus in the Tetons this year was two fold- bike and paddle. We brought 6 bikes and 2 boats all the way from Illinois and we intended to use them. And we did. So much activity in the outdoors requires prep work. Loading bikes, unloading bikes. Loading boats, unloading boats. Packing accoutrement for biking and paddling. Training kids to stay safely entertained during the loading, unloading. Training kids to put on the aforementioned accoutrement:) But it is SO SO worth it. The first couple nights we stayed at Headw

Yellowstone National Park- RV During COVID

Yellowstone is one of my favorite places on Earth. I have been there numerous times- as a kid, as an adult, and as an adult with kids. Each experience is different and wonderful. Our trip there by RV this year was no exception though it was a bit different than I expected. Z (7) in the Firehole River Around April when we were knee deep in COVID, my husband had the quite excellent idea to purchase a RV so we could still travel. Like many people I know, travel is in my blood. I get antsy without it. It's what motivates me. It's the way I love to spend free time with my kids. And I prefer traveling to wilderness areas. Places where we can play in nature. We thought perhaps during this time where many can't travel, we would have a special opportunity to go to Yellowstone without the crowds. We literally bought an RV in the hopes of being able to get to my favorite (but terribly overcrowded) national park without the crowds. HAHAHAHA Turns out our RV has been wonderful for us wi