
Showing posts from January, 2023

Alaska Summer 2022: Girdwood

Girdwood area Because our travel dates couldn't be known until the arrival of our little Fynnie, we did some inefficient driving on this trip. One result was that we spent over a week in the Girdwood area. This was actually fine, great even, as there was tons to do and it broke up the long Kenai Peninsula--> Denali and back again drives quite well. We had amazing luck with last minute campgrounds and VRBOs. We realized late in the game that after a month of RV camping, it would be good to get organized, cleaned, rested and fed in a house for a few days before Adam's long drive back home to Illinois so we got a house for the final 3 nights. And we realized that my initial campground booking which was all that was reservable on the weekends during my last minute planning was really not great (Crow Creek Mines, I do NOT recommend!!- bugs, small sites, not much in the immediate area) but we lucked out not once but TWICE getting FCFS sites at the Bird Creek Campground on a July