
Showing posts from July, 2023

New Zealand South Island: Queen Charlotte Tract, Feb 2023

I am grateful to be a well travelled adult and to have well travelled kids. I've hiked in Yellowstone, Switzerland, Patagonia, Mauritania, Alaska. I've been to 6 continents. My three kids have been all over the country and the world. For example, Fynnie, was on 3 continents and in 6 states including a month in Alaska before his 1st birthday! With this as the background I absolutely declare that this glorious 2 day hike was the best two days of travelling of my life. It combined all the things I love the most- being outside in the wilderness (in excellent weather), hard work (but manageable, you know the "good stress"), time with the kiddos and most of all- seeing the enjoyment and pride the kids had in accomplishing this two day hike. This was a personal win, a parenting win, and just a really amazing way to spend 2 days. Could have done more days but with our current kids' ages and ability levels this was just right. We did this hike with 9 year Zooey, who can ca